Earth Week Day 4 - Permaculture

What is Permaculture? 

This is a complex question that has many answers, during the lunch hour live discussion, Rob will go into more detail. But the way it was described to me when first learning about it is that Permaculture is the conjunction word of "Permanent" and "Agriculture". It is a set of design principles centered around whole systems thinking, utilizing patterns and features from the natural state of things to make an agricultural system that cares for itself. 

Now, Permaculture has evolved over time and it not only incorporates agriculture, but it can be used when designing a small business, or social relationships. It has a way of being in every aspect of what we do. 

The flower below shows some of the design principles, but the three main ethics that are followed are:  Care of the Earth, Care of People, and Share the Surplus. 

Here is the link to the Intro class Rob hosted in March on Zoom:



So, what is a PDC (Permaculture Design Course)? 

It is a 72-hr course, that gives students a foundational knowledge of permaculture ethics and principles. The content can go over the history, the decolonization in permaculture, patterns, methods, urban forests, soil health, mycology, water, earthworks, seeds, social design, regenerative economics, and so much more! 

A typical part of Permaculture is connecting with the land around you. One way that our intern, Zoe Frank, did that is by creating a pet rock with items she found in her yard! Watch this video she made with her sister and you can make your own pet rock at home! 


Earth Week Day 5 - Nutrition & Beyond


Earth Week Day 3 Continued.. Something to think about